January 29, 2025




Mr. Speaker:


    Your COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


    1. On page 2, line 1, strike "10" and insert in lieu thereof "11".


    2. On page 14, line 11, strike "and".


    3. On page 14, between lines 11 and 12, insert:


    "(13) provide that operations and maintenance of a trade port project are to be performed by the public partner except for broadband, telecommunications and energy infrastructure components of a trade port project; and".


    4. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.


    5. On page 16, between lines 24 and 25, insert:


    "SECTION 10. [NEW MATERIAL] APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN OTHER LAWS.--The construction of a trade port project pursuant to a public-private partnership agreement is a public work for the purposes of the Public Works Minimum Wage Act, the Subcontractors Fair Practices Act and the Public Works Apprentice and Training Act.".


6. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.,


and thence referred to the TAXATION & REVENUE COMMITTEE.                         

                             Respectfully submitted,





Doreen Y. Gallegos, Chair



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against

Yes:      Anyanonu, Armstrong, Gallegos, Lente, Mason, Matthews, Murphy, Parajón, Serrato

No:       0

Excused:  De La Cruz, Hernandez, JN

Absent:   None






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